Intuitive Readings, Coaching and Courses


You already know deep down

Practical and Profound

I love helping wise people tune in to their intuitive voices—whether it’s gaining insight into a health symptom, uncovering the meaning behind a longing, or navigating life’s challenges.

When we learn to trust and work with our intuition, it becomes a powerful ally, guiding us toward joy, fulfillment, and the lives we desire.   With expertise in how the mind works and how the soul speaks,  together we can listen wholeheartedly to all parts of you.

You will know best when it's time for a Reading, Coaching or Classes.  

Click on the circles below to learn more, or the yellow button to schedule your session.

I look forward to seeing you!

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I believe that 

Each of us has an inner GPS that knows who we are, and why we are here.
When things appear difficult, or opportunities beckon, let's tap into inner wisdom to find alignment, fulfillment, clarity and direction.
Bev Changed My Life!
"My first meeting with Bev changed my life in the happiest of ways; it confirmed what I had hoped was the truth: that there is more to life than what we think we know. Bev also helped me gain freedom from unrelenting grief of losing my mother.
Bev's understanding of human conditions and her ability to share spiritual solutions for personal and spiritual growth is a gift beyond measure.
Bev's practical advice and deep, loving intuition has helped me, my family and friends gain insights that led us to better understand how to make the most of our lives through knowing that despite life's challenges, All is Well... always. Love is always the answer, and Bev shows that to me in every meeting we share."
Carol T


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